Two brothers on a mission to save the planet.

Our story started with a passion – A passion for this planet and its inhabitants. It began with a twenty-something guy’s enthusiasm to do more than just getting a degree and a handsome job. Our narrative took the course when this twenty-something guy, decided to turn down lucrative career options for Masters in Sustainable Engineering & Management, to fulfil his desire to improve the world. This guy is Roshan Rai, our founder.

Roshan’s decision to establish Carbon Mandal was spearheaded by his passion and his growing concerns for the lack of sustainability solutions in his homeland.

With the vision clear in front of him, he set out to build a firm using his first-hand experience working as a sustainability consultant and his genuine desire to transform how corporate businesses and entrepreneurs work and succeed.

In this voyage of sustainability, his brother, Bhushan Rai is the anchor Roshan needs.

Growing up in a rural area, Bhushan was always close to nature. His work took him to the metropolitan cities, and he couldn’t help but notice the stark difference between the quality of life between the two. Cities, although thriving economically, is environmentally degraded with widespread pollution and plastic waste. The countryside, though sparsely urbanized, it is the cradle of life with beautiful flora and fauna.

Wondering what can be done, Bhushan found the opportunity when his brother pitched the idea of Carbon Mandal.

With unwavering faith in his brother’s calibre and a deep-seated wish to contribute towards the betterment of the planet, he co-founded the firm acting as the marketing and financial expert. He brings 12+ years of professional experience to the table along with his charisma to lead the firm to success.

Together, they are an excellent team to work with. They understand and complement each other to create eco-friendly and environmentally friendly sustainability solutions.

Contact us to talk to our sustainability consultants.